Sunday, March 13, 2011

Best saturday Ever!

So as you can tell by the title, yesterday was the best Saturday ever! and here is why: ok so yesterday i got up around 8:10. i got dressed in my church clothes and we went over to the church. once we got there we said hi to everyone and then we took a two hour drive to shoshone falls where we then hung out looked at the falls and had a ton of fun. Then all the youth of our ward went to pizza hut where  we stuffed ourselves with pizza till we couldnt eat anymore  (we ordered a little bit two much. three pizzas two much! i think..) so then we went to the twin falls temple and did baptisms for the dead. we had a ton of fun and we all felt the spirit very strongly. :) then we took the two hour drive home and when we got home and got out of our church clothes and headed to jaime's where we hung out and had fun. we played games and i had a drawing contest with a friend. we all know that I beat Tristan though haha jk! so I know my grammar was very bad but im in a hurry so I hope that everyone else had a wonderful Saturday as well! <3 /Bella :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Hi! My name is Bella. I am 13 years old and I live somewhere that you will not get to know-Safety first! ha-ha! I have four older Brothers and one sister. My siblings names are Dillon, Cole, Chance, Dane, and last but not least my sister Olivia (Livy). Just in case I refer to them later in my blog I thought you should know who they were. So I'm going to tell you a some of my favorite and some of my least favorite things.
Favorite: family; friends; church; home sweet home; music; Book of Mormon; summer/sun; Tangeled-best animated movie ever!; the t.v. show chuck;cell phones; ect.
Least Favorite: snow!; cold; mean people- ha-ha; where the wild things are; ect.

So those are some things about me,obviously. :)